Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Art Days!!

Upon my returned from India I was swamped by coverages one after the other and the common theme of my assignments is: art :)

Skin Art

Its that time of the year again wherein tattoo artists from all over Asia and the US convene in the Philippines to showcase this unique form of art.

Performance Art

Kosupre(Cosplay) is a pop culture that started in Japan but growing bigger and more influencial in the Philippines. Its not only for the youth but its a form of family bonding.

Junk Art

Part of Manila Art expo is the Jeepney art festival is a showcase of different art works of jeepney from paintings to jeepney models that pays tribute to the icon of Philippine ingenuity and creativity.

Hehe I think I'm getting a hold of these lifestyle assignments ")

See story and photos on published work page

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